
Addiction Treatment

Addiction Treatment Software. It’s easy, it’s fast, and it will change your business.

Created Hand-in-Hand with Addiction Treatment Providers

Marketing Optimizer has become the preeminent addiction treatment software in the industry for sales teams of all sizes.

Quick Contact

Get the contact made faster than ever. When speed is an issue Marketing Optimizer will allow your sales associates to do their job faster than ever with our real-time lead capture and delegation.

Marketing Techniques

Automated Lead Aggregation

Automate the process of lead delegation. No matter how complex the criteria for determining where leads belong, the task can be automated using our powerful marketing automation functions. Delegate leads based on geographical location, procedure, desired treatment, or any other criteria by creating custom web forms. Let the system accommodate your business the way it should be.

Track Sales Pipeline

Improve visitor tracking by receiving details about your sales process that no other system can provide. Get the facts as to where the traffic comes from, search phrases used and time that the visitor spent on your site. Detailed information about visitors to your site has never been easier.

HIPAA Compliency

Concerned about security of patient data? No more worries- Marketing Optimizer can be made part of your HIPAA Compliant sales process. We meet the highest standards for security within the health care industry. The personal information of your clients is safe with Marketing Optimizer.

I Would absolutely recommend this product to anyone needing a database for multiple users. It has simplified our process of keeping track of who has what client and what the status of each client is. No more Excel spreadsheets!”
Kristal McCleary

Closing Officer, Branson Hills Properties