Put Your Leads in Touch with YouIncrease your communication efficiency by reducing the friction of placing a phone call to your prospects, and use effective calls-to-action on your website to entice your visitors to immediately reach out for a sales consultation.
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No Dialing or Remembering Numbers
Calling back leads and getting clients, especially if you have an international outreach, has become a one-click deal. When you select a lead in the Marketing Optimizer system, you are able to call the lead’s number without having to look it up, improving your time efficiency and productivity. If you wish to have another member of you team contact a specific lead, you can connect them to the lead with just a click, and the call will go directly to their phone – no extensions required.
Convenience for Your Business and Your Customers
While click-to-call can be convenient for reaching out to your leads, it can also be extremely convenient for you customers when reaching out to you, increasing the likeliness that your lead will touch base. With the proliferation of smart phones, more and more people are looking up information on their tiny touch screens. With click-to-call, they don’t have to worry about pulling up the dial screen and remembering your number. Instead, click (or in this case, tap!) the button on your website to call, and it will connect them with one of your representatives.
Start Using Click-to-Call!” title=”100% money back guarantee. Generate more leads or more revenue in 30 days… or your money back.
Click-to-Call on the Web
This works with leads using a computer as well – all they need to do is enter their number and click the call button, which will call their home phone and connect them with one of your representatives. With these four steps, you never have to worry about dialing a number. Because of the ease of setup, it’s easy to make changes if you wish to add a new member of your sales team to the roster or change the look of the button, for example.
It only takes a few steps to set up click-to-call on your end and on your lead’s end:
- Add a number to your each of your sales team’s user profiles
- Set a default number that will be dialed when a lead clicks the button
- Create a form to place on your website for click-to-call, and place it on your page
- Customize who receives calls using the Automations function
Tracks Automatically
With call tracking, numbers are entered automatically in the system, so numbers do not need to be added manually in order to be used with click-to-call. Because of this, your database of numbers will grow on its own as you work on the important things, like pitching to your leads and working on your marketing strategy.While it may seem subtle at first, the productivity and time-management gains will quickly add up over time with the click-to-call system.
Start Using Click-to-Call!” title=”100% money back guarantee. Generate more leads or more revenue in 30 days… or your money back.