Sales force automation (SFA) is a technique that employs specific software applications to execute business tasks that comprise the function of a sales force.

The New Digital Marketing Process
Automates These Tasks
- Contact Management
- Customer Management
- Employee Performance Evaluation
- Information Sharing
- Information Sharing
- Sales Forecasting Analysis
- Order Processing
- Inventory Control & Monitoring
- Order Tracking
Sales Force Automation (SFA) is erroneously used interchangeably with Customer Relationship Management (CRM). CRM doesn’t necessarily imply automation of sales force actions, but SFA systems are typically a segment of a company’s CRM.
Sales force automation is software that records all the stages of the entire sales process automatically. This includes a contact management system that tracks every contact with clients or customers, along with valuable data like the purpose of the contact and the required follow-up.
SFA ensures that clients or customers are not irritated by duplicated sales efforts, but reassures you as a business owner that all of those hard-earned leads are given the appropriate attention.
Technology and Data
Sales force automation features a system for tracking your sales leads which provide a list of potential clients or customers based on phone lists, website inquiries, and even lists that are purchased through a 3rd party lead generation business.
Sales force automation systems also include other essential sales tools like order management, product knowledge, and sales forecasting.
In order to create a dynamic sales force with a high closing percentage that also links operational actions and strategies, sales force automation relies on 4 specific elements: budget, control indicators, objectives, and planning.
The more developed types of sales force automation systems feature the ability for clients or customers to actually model the product in order to meet their specific needs through the use of online product building capabilities.
This feature has become extremely popular in the automotive industry because it enables potential buyers to customize certain features such as interior features (leather versus upholstery) and vehicle color.
Another one of the integral components of sales force automation software is its ability to integrate the different departments on a company wide basis. Unless your SFA system is adopted by all departments, communication breaks down and errors (like too many or too few sales calls) are made.