Lead management helps you ensure that captured leads are properly followed up on and guided through your pipeline. For instance, did you know that 30-50% of sales go to the vendor that responds first? You want to be prompt, accurate, and intelligent with your response to requests from potential customers. Lead management programs help ensure that you are.
How Does Lead Management Improve Your Sales?
Leads come in from a variety of methods – your current customers, referrals, vendor lists, event marketing, your general marketing campaigns – and then must be managed probably to ensure maximum success. You qualify, you match, you score, and you distribute the leads, and then you close them and enjoy the new business. Lead management programs help you take a scientific and repeatable approach to this process. Lead management helps you stay in touch with potential customers, through the implementation of a lead nurturing program.
Getting the Most from Your Leads
Lead management programs also help you prevent lost leads. For instance, did you know that 80% of marketing leads are lost, ignored, or discarded? And that many companies (as many as 73%, according to a recent survey), have no formal process for re-engaging, managing, or nurturing leads after a sale? Companies with mature lead management programs are able to follow up on 75% of marketing-generated leads, turning those leads into potential valuable new business. Lead management helps you track everything – from initial contact, to the sales process, to their lifetime cycle as your customer. If you don’t have a program in place, it’s time to start.